Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thank You Mrs. Wiersema

Dear Mrs. Wiersema,
         If I had to pick a favorite teacher, I would say that I don't pick favorites. But if someone really tried to shake it out of me I would maybe say Mrs. Wiersema. I'm not sure. So I guess I will say thank you to you because I have to for class. You weren't a bad teacher. I mean you gave us dum-dums, and that is cool. I am expecting a lot of kids just to do generic and cheesy writings with these posts. Well I am not generic, so from now on I'm going to make mine rhyme! Mrs. Wiersema, I'm not going to lie, it saddens me when you say bye. Because you're class was better than good, better than most kids will every understood. I realize that 'understood' was bad grammar, kitty cats hiss and purr. So without further ado I will say my thank you's, without you I would have never been afraid to fall and get a bruise. No Mrs. Wiersema means a immediate bad time, aren't you impressed that I got this to rhyme. And last without least don't take this post too serious, without me you're days were just humorless. Oh and before I forget, by the way, loved the one paragraph essays. Mrs. Wiersema you are the best, if I was fortunate to find a treasure chest. I would give you some of the riches, and if you want some of the fishes. I am assuming that the chest was in the ocean, hopefully you like this rhyme/poem!


Brody You'refavoritestudent Rickels

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