Monday, March 5, 2012

My Favorite Five Female Characters

My top five favorite female characters are: Katniss, Prim, Rue, Annabel, and Thalia.
5. Annabel is from the book Lightning Thief and is one of my favorites because she is funny and plays a major part in one of my favorite books.
4. Prim is from the book The Hunger Games and is my fourth favorite female character because she reminds me of my cousin.  They are both little, sweet, and innocent.
3. Thalia is from the book Lightning Thief and is my third favorite female character because she is the daughter of Zeus and Zeus is AWESOME!!
2. Rue is from the book The Hunger Games and comes in as my second favorite female character because she is a very innocent little girl that has a very difficult life.
1. Katniss is from the book The Hunger Games and is my favorite female character because she is a huge tom boy that loves hunting and sticks up for herself.  I feel like we connect because we both love hunting and we stick up for ourselves.